Thursday, 1 January 2015

Cone of Shame: Day 3

January 1 marks the beginning of a new year, a new beginning.

And miraculously, Bobby has transitioned into the new year with a mellow attitude. Greatly appreciated by all during his third day of recovery. However, it was probably the midnight fireworks that kept him up and sleepy throughout the day. Luckily, Bobby is not afraid of fireworks.

The tabs of the cone have been coming on and off. For now, his tolerance of the cone seems to have increased. Today, I worked on his "bring" command with his slobbery, stuffed elephant and the "steady" command. The training tired him out enough that he spent most of the afternoon napping on and off, probably catching up on lost sleep.

Not much to report. His swollen scrotum seems to have decreased slightly in size and his stitches are still intact! He jumped and ran a bit and almost broke out into a zoomie towards bedtime though.

Whilst he didn't get the frozen Kong, he did get something else. Today sis made banana bread. Bobby agreed to model. His only condition: pay in banana bread.

With a temperature of 38℃ tomorrow, he's probably going to get the frozen Kong. Let's see how well he behaves.

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